The boll weevil is a destructive pest that nearly destroyed Georgia’s cotton industry and cost in excess of $100 million to eradicate from the state. The Commissioner of Agriculture has determined that the boll weevil is not established in the State of Georgia, is a serious plant pest, and is injurious to the agricultural interests of the state.
In the information provided below, you can find thorough details on regulations, rules, and faqs on ornamental cotton growth in the state of Georgia.
Program Participation
Rule 40-24-1-.05
It is the responsibility of each cotton grower and non-commercial cotton grower to participate in the boll weevil eradication program. Participation shall include:
(a) timely reporting of acreage and field locations when required;
(b) maintenance of access to the fields for program employees;
(c) compliance with regulations;
(d) payment of required fees; and
(e) ensure that all used cotton harvesting equipment has been thoroughly cleaned and certified in accordance with the requirements of 40-24-1.08 before it is brought into the state.
Any cotton grower or non-commercial cotton grower who fails to follow the requirements above is in violation of this Chapter.
Non-Commercial Cotton Guidelines
Rule 40.24.1-.13
(1) Non-commercial cotton shall not be planted without a permit approved by Board of Directors of the Boll Weevil Eradication Foundation of Georgia, Inc. and issued by the Commissioner.
(2) A permit request will include a brief description of the plot size, the purpose for such planting, and its value to cotton growers of the state. The Board of Directors of the BWEF of GA, Inc. will base their decision on:
(a) benefit to the state’s agriculture and cotton growers;
(b) location of growing area;
(c) size of intended planting area;
(d) pest conditions in the growing area;
(e) costs incurred to the BWEF of GA, Inc.; and
(f) the applicant’s willingness to follow any stipulations or requirements as may be set forth in the permit.
(3) The Commissioner may require the monitoring or destruction of Non-Commercial Cotton resulting from spilled seed, animal feed or other non-commercial actions or cotton that has sprouted from inadequate herbicide application, mowing, discing, other mechanical means of destruction.
(a) Upon notification in writing by the Commissioner, any property owner may be ordered to destroy non-commercial cotton when it is deemed that such cotton constitute a potential for harboring boll weevils. Destruction shall consist of mowing, shredding, discing, or other means approved by the Commissioner as necessary to eliminate standing plants.
(b) Non-commercial cotton must be destroyed within 30 days of receipt of notification.
Treatment Options
Rule 40.24.1-.13 (cont’d)
The Commissioner may require the monitoring or destruction of Non-Commercial Cotton resulting from spilled seed, animal feed or other non-commercial actions or cotton that has sprouted from inadequate herbicide application, mowing, discing, other mechanical means of destruction.
- Upon notification in writing by the Commissioner, any property owner may be ordered to destroy non-commercial cotton when it is deemed that such cotton constitute a potential for harboring boll weevils. Destruction shall consist of mowing, shredding, discing, or other means approved by the Commissioner as necessary to eliminate standing plants.
- Non-commercial cotton must be destroyed within 30 days of receipt of notification.
Any person, business or entity planting and growing non-commercial cotton without a permit issued by the Commissioner is in violation of this Chapter. The commissioner or his agent may destroy or require the destruction of non-commercial cotton plants at cost to grower or landowner.
Quarantine Requirements
Rule 40.24.1-.14
The Boll Weevil Eradication Foundation of Georgia, Inc. is authorized to act upon the Commissioner’s behalf for boll weevil eradication activities within the state.
Landowners or tenants must allow access to properties and maintain the property in a condition which will allow Department or Boll Weevil Eradication Foundation of Georgia, Inc. employees to conduct adequate surveys and/or other necessary and appropriate actions to eradicate the boll weevil in quarantined areas.
Any of the following acts will constitute a violation of this Chapter:
Bringing boll weevils, in any living stage, into the state without a permit issued by the Commissioner.
Failure of any cotton grower to participate in the boll weevil eradication program.
Failure of any gin to collect assessments when required, file prescribed reports, remit assessments collected as described, or use, contract or hire any out-of-state used cotton harvesting equipment unless it has been thoroughly cleaned and certified free of boll weevils.
Failure to destroy cotton stalks or non-commercial cotton when notified by the Commissioner.
Bringing used cotton harvesting equipment into the state that has not been thoroughly cleaned, inspected and certified free of regulated articles.
Planting or growing non-commercial cotton without a permit approved by Board of Directors of the Boll Weevil Eradication Foundation of Georgia, Inc. and issued by the Commissioner.
Obstructing the Commissioner or his inspector in the performance of his duties.
Rule 40.24.1-.17
Any person violating any provision of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $50.00 nor more than $1,000.00 or by imprisonment not exceeding 12 months, or both, as determined by the court.
Any cotton grower who fails to comply with the rules adopted by the Commissioner shall be subject to a civil monetary penalty of $1,000.00 per violation. Each violation shall constitute a separate offense.